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Research Areas


The Lifespan Health and Wellbeing Research Group sits within the Faculty of Life Science and Education. A vibrant multi-disciplinary research group comprising nursing, physiology, health psychology and human geography, it is centred around two broad health-related research themes that relate across the lifespan: Prevention and Intervention, and Policy and Practice Interface.

Research themes


The Lifespan Health and Wellbeing Research Group is focused on producing applied and impactful research that benefits individuals across the lifespan. We have a strong record of impacting on health and welfare, public policy and services for the benefit of regional, national and international communities.

Much of our research is focussed around hard-to-reach populations, disadvantaged groups and co-morbidity in a range of physical and mental health conditions.  

We have a long and proactive record of collaboration with external stakeholders including: the public, patients, carers and families; policy makers; the public sector; the community and third sector, including voluntary organisations; and industrial/ commercial partners. Our strategic mission is to continue to build on and develop these strengths.

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Related centres

Sport and Exercise Science Research focuses on four functionally-integrated clinical and applied impact themes: Neurovascular Research Laboratory; Sport Psychology; Managing High Performance and Injury in Elite Sport and Sports Coaching and Development

PRIME Centre Wales is a Health and Care Research Wales funded research centre focusing on primary and emergency care in order to develop and coordinate research proposals and support researchers. It is an all-Wales centre co-led by University of South Wales, Cardiff University, Bangor University and Swansea University.

Wales School for Social Prescribing Research is a virtual all-Wales school, funded by Health and Care Research Wales, which aims to develop a social prescribing evaluation methodology, building on the work previously completed by the Wales Social Prescribing Research Network (WSPRN).

See also: Latest news | Healthcare courses | PhD / research degrees

Contact us

If you are interested in any aspect of the Lifespan Health and Wellbeing Research Group,  please contact Professor Bev John.

We welcome applications for postgraduate research in one of our areas of expertise.