PhD student: Robin Andrews

Robin Andrews, KESS PhD Psychology student

"My PhD involves evaluating an online symptom tracker for women with menopausal symptoms. I’m enrolled on an ESF-funded KESS PhD which means my project is a collaboration between USW and a company partner, a female healthcare website I hope that my research will demonstrate that simple, online interventions can be useful and cost effective for improving health outcomes for menopausal women. 

Health-and-Her website - Robin Andrew PhD

"This week I have been collecting data and finalising my ethics application for my fourth and final study. 

"I have just transferred from MPhil to PhD. I spent a lot of time thinking about the MPhil and worrying about whether I was going to pass, but it was actually a simple process. The report must be no more than 6,000 words but can be comprised of work you’ve already produced. You also have a viva with someone external to your research team who will ask you a number of questions about your research. This is where you will be expected to defend your research methodology and receive feedback. 

"After my PhD, I am keen to continue research within the field of female reproductive health, potentially within a post-doctorate position. Throughout my PhD, I have worked as an hourly paid lecturer and I am keen to continue this and see where it could take me."